Strengthening competitiveness and crystalizing your competitive advantage
We offer interactive high-quality, knowledge-based training courses based on real-life content from our participants.
The goal of our training courses is to provide new perspectives on how to better use testing and research results to improve competitiveness and even create competitive advantage.
With our technical training, we provide concrete information on how testing validates a product’s weather resilience while complying with standards.
See what’s included in our training courses below.

Making testing results part your company’s strategic marketing and communications is a way to maintain and sustain a customer’s trust.
Taking advantage of testing results (3h)
Create competitive advantage – strengthen competitiveness
The goal of this training course is to discover new perspectives on testing results and provide tools to use the results throughout your entire organization.
Testing results are not only technical documentation. The results can also serve to accelerate your sales process, for example, or even to transform company’s value proposition.
This training course focuses on the possibilities of using testing and research results to improve competitiveness and create competitive advantage.
Price: €195 / person (VAT 0%)
Training language Finnish.
- What exactly are testing results?
- Three points of view
- Testing engineers
- R&D team
- Management
- Weather testing
- Durability and functionality
- Three points of view
- Who can use testing results?
- Management
- Sales and marketing
- Productin and quality
- R&D
- How can you best use testing results?
- Improve competitiveness
- Crystalize or create competitive advantage
- Two case examples
- Critical documentation aspects
- Sample selection and documentation
- Method applicability
- Summary and results
- Practical example
During the training, we help you recognize how you can better use testing results in your specific job role.
After completing this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of the value of testing results for your product and your entire organization.
Upcoming trainings:
The next training is not currently on the calendar. Contact us about company-specific training.
Company-specific training programs
We also organize company-specific training, either at a company’s own facilities or at our training facility in Littoinen near Turku.
Technical training course (6h)
This technical training course will teach you about the standards related to solar radiation, UV and weather testing. You will also become familiar with different types of weather conditions found globally. Additionally, you will explore how weather resistance can be validated by testing and what kind of options standard and tailored testing provide.
This training course is intended for product managers, product development, design and test engineers.
Price: €480 / person (VAT 0%)
Training language Finnish.
- Stress factors resulting from
- Solar and UV radiation
- Temperature and humidity
- Office lighting
- Brief introduction to the standards
- Including ISO4892-1, MIL810 ‘Solar’ ja IEC 60068-2-5
- Measurements
- Colour, gloss, transmission and reflection
- Visual inspection and Gray Scale index
- Mechanical
- Categorization of methods
- Functional testing
- Aging
- Accelerated method
- Method comparison
Upcoming training courses:

Ensure your product’s weather resistance
Solar Simulator workshops are based on collaboration with our customers. During these special workshops, you will identify the weather resistance properties required by your specific product and any stress factors applied to the product under possible conditions of use. These reflect standards and customer requirements.
The result of this workshop is a summary and presentation of how the weather resistance of your product can be ensured by testing.
Your product may already be on the market or in an advanced product development phase.
During the daylong workshop, we will focus on your product’s properties that are key to its competitiveness while also crystalizing its competitive advantage.
This workshop is even more effective if the team includes members who interact with your customers.
Price: €2,800 (VAT 0%)
Identifying and crystalizing competitive advantage
Company-specific workshop
Together, we will explore and identify the factors affecting your customers’ purchasing decisions. We define which features of your product, service or operating method support your competitiveness or competitive advantage. We also define what kind of information your customers want to get to support their purchasing decision.
As a result of this workshop, you will get the tools to be able to create value for your customers in an unprecedented way.
At the beginning of the workshop, we will define a common goal. We then discuss how competitiveness, competitive advantage, innovation and customer value relate to each other.
To ensure a successful workshop, it is important to have a thoughtful team and an open-minded attitude. During the workshop, everyone will put their skills to the test and challenge their preconceptions.
Price: €9,800 (VAT 0%)
This workshop comes with a price guarantee – only a workshop with a successful outcome will be invoiced.
Hannu Suokivi
MSc in Physics, Professional teaching degree in physics,
Managing Director
Hannu brings to his course participants a unique combination of professional teaching competence, business management knowledge and a true appreciation of the value created from a competitive edge.
By education, Hannu is a skilled teacher. He has taught physics at the high-school level for years. Additionally, he is a part-time maritime teacher in the Turku region, while continuing to expand his pedagogical expertise in other areas of interest.
Hannu’s career has primarily focused on founding and leading a small yet highly specialized testing company, Solar Simulator. That’s where he implements his deep knowledge of physics to test the durability of products in harsh solar and other environmental conditions. He is skilled in company management and brings experience from various positions to this role.
Hannu also passionately champions the process of communicating testing results throughout entire organizations, bringing them value rather than collecting dust on shelves. Over the years, he has worked with strategic marketing experts who have helped him understand the true value of discovering a product’s competitive edge. Companies that know how to capitalize on the results obtained through scientific testing can then use them to support their competitive advantage, differentiating their offering from others.
This is what sets his training apart from others – a process of discovering your competitive edge.

Motto: I strongly believe in starting from what the customer thinks… and then building something great around that. Testing validates a product’s true performance in being able to deliver value – a competitive edge – to your customer.
Operational environment undergoing transformation
“Marketing forms the point where business and culture meet. We are becoming more and more aware of the problems facing our globe; therefore, business must adapt accordingly.” Associate Professor Diane Martin, Kauppalehti, 11 March 2013
“As a consequence of fast information flow, demands for transparency have appeared. People have seen injustice and exploitation, and that has created a crisis of confidence”. “She believes that right now there is a huge demand for trust and confidence.” LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) consumer. Jaana Haapala, Ekonomi magazine, January/2013
“The importance of companies’ own web-pages (as a channel for information search) continued declining.” Päättäjätutkimus (in English: ‘Study on Decision-Makers’) 2013, TNS Gallup PäättäjäAtlas 2013
“The latest research results indeed highlight the importance of Internet and social media as channels for information search.” “The purchase process of buyers has therefore undergone transformation, but many sales organizations still follow the same traditional recipe.” Kauppalehti’s blog, 26 February 2014, Johan Flykt